Lithia water

Lithia water is mineral water containing lithium salts. Lithia water can occur naturally in spring form. One example can be found in Ashland, Oregon's Lithia Park. The water is pumped to a fountain where hundreds of people come to drink it for its supposed positive health effects. Another example is Lithia spring, GA. This Lithia water has a sweet taste and is oderless because it contains no sulfur unlike Ashland Oregon's Lithia water.

Population studies found that communities with lithia waters have lower suicide rates, mental hospital admissions, incidences of crimes, and arrests related to drug addictions.[1][2]

Another study indicated that low levels of lithium (as measured through hair sample analysis) occur in individuals with heart disease, learning-disabled subjects, and incarcerated violent criminals.[3]

Studies measuring the effects of trace levels of lithium, commonly found in lithia waters, have demonstrated neuroprotective abilities,[4] improvements in mood and cognitive function,[5] and positive outcomes as a treatment for manic depressive disease.[6]

On February 8, 2011, German researchers at Friedrich Schiller University Jena published their findings in the European Journal of Nutrition indicating that lithia waters lead to an increased life expectancy in humans and metazoans.[7]

A clinical pilot study using ĔDJ lithia water from British Columbia is underway at the University of British Columbia.[8] It will investigate whether daily use of lithia water will improve new brain cell formation (neurogenesis) and reduce neuronal oxidative stress (neuroprotection).

Historically, one of the first commercially sold lithia waters in the United States was bottled at Lithia Springs, Georgia in 1888.

See also


  1. ^ Ohgami et al. Lithium levels in drinking water and risk of suicide. THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 2009; 194:464-465
  2. ^ Schrauzer et al. Lithium in drinking water and the incidences of crimes, suicides, and arrests related to drug addictions. BIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH 25(2):105-13, 1990
  3. ^ Schrauzer et al. Lithium in scalp hair of adults, students, and violent criminals. BIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH 34(2): 161-76. 1992
  4. ^ Xu et al. Chronic Treatment With a Low Dose of Lithium Protects the Brain Against Ischemic Injury by Reducing Apoptotic Death. STROKE 2003;34;1287-1292;
  5. ^ Schrauzer, De Vroey. Effects of Nutritional Lithium Supplementation on Mood. BIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH Volume 40 1994 pages 89-101
  6. ^ Natural low dose lithium supplementation in manic-depressive disease. NUTRITION PERSPECTIVES - University of California Davis January, 1988: 10-11
  7. ^ Zarse, K. et al. (2011): Low-dose lithium uptake promotes longevity in humans and metazoans.. In: Eur J Nutr 50(5):387-389; PMID 21301855; pdf full text DOI: 10.1007/s00394-011-0171-x
  8. ^